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SEO Trusted Copywriting

Google has its reliance factor relating to site pages and their copy. I did not know this with my years of experience as an SEO copywriter. The norms that I have been preaching with passion were what Google Librarian Newsletter revealed in a recent column, explaining what Google watch out for in a copy. With this wonderful job done, it is easy to become a trusted source and potentially help in increasing your rankings for Google.

As written in the original issue of this newsletter, Matt Cutts explained by beginning to reveal many factors (other than Page Rank) Google uses to rank pages and to evaluate copy. He advances by portraying the use of keywords and their connections with other page factors.

A suitable example Is this. If “flat monitor” is the one key phrase, you are working on your copy. My preaching over the years has been that all words should remain in their exact order. Single words should not be used like “flat” and “monitor” individually; the entire phrases “flat monitor” should be used. 

Matt affirms this by saying that Google’s eyes will see relevance and trust increased when the two words “flat” and “monitor” are placed and used next to each other.

This is a simple explanation for it. The word “flat” can refer to practically anything or be used on a page that has absolutely no relevance with monitors, while the word “monitor” can mean a screen used with a computer, and there are numerous different types of monitors. So, if “flat monitors” were the search words specifically used, CRT monitors and other types of pages would have little relevance and would be deemed trustworthy. “Monitor” can also mean to observe, which might not be in line with the search query used in the example. So, the most relevant application is using the phrases as it was typed in the search engine.

Next is to have your key phrase in the title. Though Matt does not state this as a vital element, he does suggest that key phrase “give a hint”, which will make the page more relevant and, after that, trustworthy to the subject at hand, compared to a document that does not include the key phrase in the title.

Highly relevant pages are what Google wants to include, and that is the fact. You have your copy as content for Google by writing your copy in a way to highlight the relevant factors. Your visitors will also add to their experiences and eventually become your customers. It turns out to be a win-win-win case as it benefits you, those who visit your site and Google.